Biddenham Gardeners Outing to Coton Manor

5X4A4313eOn 27th April 2016, members of the Biddenham Gardeners Association visited Coton Manor in Northamptonshire.
This is a garden well worth visiting no matter what time of the year (at this time the Bluebell Wood is stunning) with always something of interest. A well stocked nursery tempted many of us and the visit finished with tea and cake. A very enjoyable afternoon.

For information, the garden calendar for this year is as follows:

  • Snowdrops & Hellebores – late Feb – early March
  • Tulips & Spring Bulbs – April to early May
  • Bluebell Wood – late April to mid May
  • Wild Flower Meadow – late May to July
  • Roses – at their best from mid June to mid July
  • Herbaceous Borders – start flowering in early June and continue throughout the season
  • Autumn Plant Sale – early September onwards &
  • Garden Courses – April to June & September
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