Category Archives: Photos

“Flowers through my viewfinder” by Hemant Jariwala

After 43 years in the Defence Industry, Hemant decided in his retirement to take an entirely different line of work and to become a photographic expert taking beautiful images of flowers, landscapes and gardens. His photographs are used in Calendars … Continue reading

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Our Gardens

The Gardeners’ programme for 2021 began on 19 January with two members talking about their own gardens. Once again Zoom came to the rescue and the monthly programme will continue to be presented in this way for the foreseeable future. … Continue reading

Posted in My Garden, Photos, Ponds, Slideshow, Talks, Winter, Zoom | Tagged , | Leave a comment

‘Designing a Border from Scratch’ with Lucy Hartley

On Tuesday 17th November Lucy Hartley, an award winning Garden Designer based in Stratford-upon-Avon, joined us via Zoom to talk about the principles and pitfalls of designing a border.  Lucy started her talk by advising that a border should be … Continue reading

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Zoom Meeting for BGA Members (16th June)

Tuesday 16th June 2020 provided a “first” for Biddenham Gardeners Association – our first virtual meeting that is.  Who would have thought, this time last year, that we would be doing this.  At 7.30 pm thirty three members of the … Continue reading

Posted in My Garden, Photos, Spring, Zoom | Leave a comment

Chairmans newsletter – May 2020

Dear Biddenham Gardeners’ Association member, We have seen some beautiful late Spring colours in the gardens and I hope you have been able to visit our Gallery of Members’ Photos. It must be one of the most inspiring photo galleries … Continue reading

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A message from our Chairman …

Dear BGA member, Despite these sad and difficult times, many people have found great pleasure in spending time in their gardens. We have enjoyed some wonderful spring colours. The magnolia blossom was beautiful. We have seen displays of daffodils, tulips, … Continue reading

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My Garden – 2020

We started our new Biddenham Gardeners’ Association year with an excellent turn out of members and visitors.  The “My Garden” talks, which we feature every January, are always very popular and this year was no exception.  Two very different gardens … Continue reading

Posted in Arts & Crafts style, My Garden, Photos, Slideshow, Talks, Winter | Tagged | Leave a comment

What do I do with this Space?

At our September meeting there was a very good turn out to welcome Darren Lerigo from Essex who set about answering this question.  But before he did so he passed round a box of what looked like sweets, but not … Continue reading

Posted in Photos, Summer, Talks, Topiary | Tagged | Leave a comment

My Garden – 2019

This year, at our meeting on 15th January, our speakers  on the subject “My Garden” were two BGA members; Liz Hurford and Rosemary Harris. Liz spoke about her garden in Church End and Rosemary talked about her garden in Nodders … Continue reading

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Antiques Roadshow at Helmingham Hall – 31st August 2018

Those BGA members that visited Helmingham Hall on the 17th June 2015 will have the opportunity to ‘revisit’ this fabulous House and its gardens. For those that didn’t, this is an opportunity to see it from the comfort of your … Continue reading

Posted in Outings, Photos, Summer, Walled Gardens | Tagged | Leave a comment