
About this site

This site is run on behalf of the members of the Biddenham Gardeners Association, and went live February 2013

User visit/Stats @ 29 December 2023: 72,265

The site is built using WordPress (current installed version: 6.4.2 – Dec/27/2023), hosted by Dreamhost and incorporates the popular twentyten theme, and is customised using:
•  A child theme to enable customisation of the Header and Footer page areas.
•  the WPtouch plugin for Mobile devices (phones, tablets) and
•  the Meta Slider plugin to display photos slideshows
 Flickr Pro the Yahoo photo sharing service is used for bulk photo storage.
Dropbox, another service enabling the display of externally available photos
Text hover for providing explanations of names, terms, phrases, abbreviations, and acronyms.

The site is regularly updated with News and reports of our monthly meetings and outings – do drop by at regular intervals to keep in touch with what’s going on …

This website contains links to other sites, and every effort is made to ensure these links share our high standards of fairness, integrity and decency.

If you have any comments, suggestions or questions about this web site or you would like to contribute in any way, please email: www.biddenhamgardenersassociation.org.uk

Website services provided and supported by: Ron Bessey

Please Note: The Biddenham Gardeners Association is affiliated to The Royal Horticultural Society