Programme 2024

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16th January My Garden/Caroline Hay Davison & Gilly Cowan  
20th February Pumpkins & Squash/Russell Attwood
19th March A Complete guide to Clematis/Peter Skeggs-Gooch
16th April Cottage Farm Nursery/Martin Cooper
21st May Grow your own Vegetables/Geoff Hodge
18th  June Highlights of Chelsea & Hampton Court/
Simon White 
16th July AGM & RSPB Sandy/Peter Bradley
17th September Six of the Best-Autumn Bugs/Ian Bedford
15th October Gardening in the Shade/Jim Paine
19th November Winter Colour in the Garden /Annie Godfrey 
17th December Christmas Party & Demonstration of Christmas Table Decorations/Angelika Badziak Okhasa