BGA Meeting on Tuesday 18th April

Dear Members and Supporters
We look forward to seeing you at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall.  Darren Lerigo will be joining us.  His talk will focus on how to use water in the garden – when we have too little or too much.  In view of the times we now live in in terms of climate change his talk should be of interest to all of us in how to manage our gardens.  Darren will be giving practical advice on ways to water and plants that can cope with too much heat or flooding.

At this meeting we will be starting a new venture.  A table will be set out so that members and visitors can bring surplus plants.  So, if you have divided your herbaceous plants or you have too many seedlings please bring them along to the meetings so that they can be given a new home.  It is expected that members will give a small donation to the BGA for any plants taken – so please do bring some cash with you to the meeting.

With best wishes
Linda Truscott
Membership Secretary

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