This Month in the Garden – November 2022

What a wonderful time of the year.  We are so lucky to live in a country where the seasons are so defined.  The Autumn colours really come into their own in November.  The gleditsia tree in my garden is such a delight in the autumn.  My late husband and I planted it soon after we moved to our house in Biddenham in 1982.  I cannot recommend it highly enough for small gardens.  In the spring the leaves are a vibrant lime green, in the summer the bees just flock to the flowers and at this time of the year its’ autumnal orange foliage is a joy to behold.  As I look out of my office window I am blown away by the colours of the Norwegian Maple which stands at the end of my Close.  It was planted in the late 1980s (I forget the actual date) by John Congdon who was the tree warden in Biddenham at the time.  I applied to John for a tree for our road.  John planted the small sapling and my children and I watered it copiously every few days to ensure its survival through the summer months and here it now stands in fully grown magnificence – I always think of John when I look out at it.  I understand that John also planted the oak tree on King’s Corner.  I do hope the trees planted in Biddenham this year will survive …

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