Annual General Meeting  2022

This took place on 19th July.  Paul Fricker, Chair, welcomed all members and guests present.  Paul went on to ouline the many highs of the Association during the year.  We were able to keep going from September 2021 to February 2022 via Zoom thanks to the tremendous efforts of Paula Church who hosted the meetings and managed the technology so well.  Since then we have had good attendances in the Village Hall with a number of new members and guests each month.  Paul went on to praise all the committee for their hard work and commitment to the Association and all members and guests for their enthusiasm and support.  Ralph Harding presented the financial report for the year to 31st December 2021 which was accepted by those present.  Brian Cheyne was thanked for auditing the accounts.

Ralph Harding Treasurer, Paula Church Secretary and Josie Duchenne are standing down from the Committee and Janet Bird is relinquishing her role of Visiting Speaker Secretary but will remain on the committee.  All were thanked by Paul for the huge contribution they have made to the Association.

The following were elected to the committee:-

Charles Duchenne  Treasurer
Proposed by Ralph Harding
Seconded by Janet Bird

Gilly Cowan
Proposed by Janet Bird
Seconded by Liz Hurford

Jan Page
Proposed by Linda Truscott
Seconded by Ron Bessey

Ron Bessey  Website Admin
Proposed by Linda Truscott
Seconded by Ralph Harding

Paul Fricker, LindaTruscott, Janet Bird, Liz Hurford and Marie Willis have agreed to remain on the committee for the following year and all of the above was accepted by those present at this meeting.  There was approval for Paul and Charles to be the signatories for the BGA account at Natwest.

Gilly Cowan reminded everyone that the newly planted trees in Biddenham do need watering and asked everyone to play their part in this.  Liz Hurford reminded everyone about the Biddenham Show on 11th September.  There was one question from the floor concerning the roles and responsibilities of the new committee.  This will be discussed at the first committee meeting in September. 

Everyone was reminded of the date of the next BGA meeting on 20th September when Jane Perrone will help us to get our houseplants thriving.  In October Nick Bailey (Gardeners’ World presenter) will be talking about 365 days of colour in the garden.

Everyone then enjoyed the cheese and wine – many thanks to Liz and her helpers for providing such a lovely spread.                                                                                                                                     

Linda Truscott

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