The Biddenham Gardeners’ AGM was held in the Village Hall on 17th July.
The Chair reported on another successful year with a good variety of outside speakers and two meetings presented by our own members. There were outings to Ascott House near Leighton Buzzard in April and Deene Park, Leicestershire, in July. Attendance at meetings was slightly down on last year and the Committee are arranging a leaflet drop advertising the BGA to go to all the houses in Biddenham, including the King’s Field estate north of Bromham Road …
The Accounts for the 2017 financial year were presented by the treasurer, Ralph Harding and approved by the meeting. The bank balance on 31 December 2017 was £1,295.78.
Paul Fricker was elected as a new member of the Committee and all the current members of the committee were re-elected en bloc. The Committee now consists of: Chair, Jeremy Arthern, Secretary Paula Church, Treasurer Ralph Harding, Janet Bird (Programme secretary), Linda Truscott (membership secretary), Marie Willis (publicity), Liz Hurford ( Biddenham Show liaison), Ron Bessey (web site) and Paul Fricker.
Brian Cheyne was re-appointed as Accounts examiner and George Metcalf was re-appointed as Village Hall representative.
The Chair expressed thanks to all members of the committee and others involved in the running of the BGA; Brian Cheyne, George Metcalf, Susan Arthern and Liz Hurford (AGM and Christmas catering) Ann Manze and Ann Ebbs (Tea and Coffee rota)
The meeting was followed by a Gardener’s Question Time session chaired by Paul Fricker with Roger Skipper, Richard Callahan and Jeremy Arthern on the panel. The meeting concluded with a sumptuous buffet.
Our next meeting will be on 18 September at 7.30pm when Dr Ian Bedford will speak on “Garden Bugs”
Jeremy Arthern