Category Archives: Visits

Inspiring Gardens

Many of us gain great enjoyment from visiting gardens large and small throughout the year. Paul Fricker, our Chair of BGA, is no exception and we were so pleased that he agreed to share with us some of his stunning … Continue reading

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This Month in the Garden – March 2022

Well here we are in March and how wonderful to see the spring bulbs bursting through the soil and the colours appearing in the various shrubs.  The garden visiting year has begun – hurrah!  Time to get out and about … Continue reading

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A visit to Angelsey Abbey – September 2020

Anglesey Abbey, a Jacobean-style house with beautiful gardens and a working water mill is only 50 minutes away from Biddenham.  Originally the home of Lord Fairhaven it is now owned by the National Trust and is well worth a visit … Continue reading

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Plant Sale – Anna & Roger Skipper – Saturday 28th May

We still have a lot of hardy pot  plants for sale and all of these must  go very soon or they will be going on the compost heap.    So we will be holding our last plant sale on Saturday 28th May between 9am … Continue reading

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Gardens of Hong Kong City

During October 2015 Paul (Fricker) visited Hong Kong for a reunion with ex colleagues and former pupils. Paul’s photos provide a lasting memory of this amazing city … HONG KONG PARK Hong Kong Park is situated right in the centre … Continue reading

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Gardens Worth Visiting – Roger Skipper

It is always a pleasure to welcome back Roger Skipper, our speaker on the 15th June.  Tonight he presented a slide show of gardens which he considered worth visiting; most of them were within 1-2 hours drive of Biddenham.  Roger … Continue reading

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The Gardens at Coton Manor – Caroline Tait

The speaker at a very well attended meeting on 19th May was Caroline Tait, nursery manager at Coton manor. Caroline came to Coton Manor as a volunteer 22 years ago and was transformed by that experience into a professional horticulturalist. … Continue reading

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Anglesey Abbey – Winter Lights 2014

Those members of the BGA that attended in April 2014, will remember the fascinating talk given by Richard Todd on the ‘Four Seasons of Anglesey Abbey’. As a direct result (on Friday 5th December), 30+ Members of the BGA visited Angelsey … Continue reading

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Helmingham Hall Gardens – September 2014

A visit on the last open day of the year to the spectacular grade 1 listed gardens of Helmingham Hall in Suffolk. The beautiful gardens provide a stunning backdrop to the moated Hall – the drawbridges have been raised every night since 1510. See … Continue reading

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Woburn Abbey Gardens – 21st May 2013

On Tuesday 21st May we were joined by Martin Towsey, Estates Gardens Manager at Woburn Abbey. Martin, who has worked at Woburn for the last nine years, gave us an overview of what comprises the Bedford Estates; he included details … Continue reading

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